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Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The Workers are Angry! ~ Egypt

Winner of the Prize of the French Republic for Human Rights

Press Release On 1/2/2011 (Translation from French Version)

The workers are angry!

Tens of thousands of Egyptian workers (men and women) join the Millions Persons demonstration/protest events being organized today in the capital, Cairo, in Alexandria and in other parts of Egypt with the aim of overthrowing the regime.

Meanwhile, the Egyptian Trade Union Federation (ETUF) in Egypt which has always been against workers ... the federation which has continued to betray the workers since its creation ... the federation has won rigged elections and has always complied with the orders of the Egyptian Secret Service ... the federation dares to go out in the darkness of the night to announce that workers support the current regime, this is the same regime that has been effectively overthrown and actually we are waiting for the departure of one who represents it.

We proclaim loudly that we have turned the page away from this ETUF federation that is full of corruption and despotism when we have turned a new page away from the former regime. Egyptian workers, men and women, announced on January 30, 2011, the creation of the founding committee of the Egyptian Federation of Independent Trade Unions, determined to build a federation based on the principles of democracy and an organization that will be managed with full transparency. Our new Federation will defend workers' rights and will work to improve their living conditions. A democratic federation in a democratic society.

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Monday, August 2, 2010

Obama seeks to expand arms exports by trimming approval process

By Maggie Bridgeman
McClatchy Newspapers
July 29, 2010

The United States is currently the world biggest weapons supplier — holding 30 per cent of the market — but the Obama administration has begun modifying export control regulations in hopes of enlarging the U.S. market share, according to U.S. officials.

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Thursday, July 1, 2010

South Africa's Female Tribal Chiefs Often Rule in Fear

Time Magazine
June 7, 2010

...Until South Africa's female chiefs can rule without fear and with the cooperation of the government, their long walk to freedom and equality continues.

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Thursday, June 17, 2010

A Zionist State of Mind, A Dreamscape Of Ghosts: One Jew's Hard Awakening

By Phil Rockstroh
OpEd News
June 16, 2010

Although my mother fled Nazi Germany, as a child, on a Kindertransport, with a few family valuables sown into her clothing, and I was brought up on the myths and hagiography of the Zionist state, I, over time, came to recognize the folly of the whole colonialist enterprise -- the folly of ethnic exclusion and expulsion, the inherent tragedy of nationalism based on the delusion of religious birthright. With much sorrow, I came to the sad realization that the dream of the State of Israel was based on European chauvinism and exceptionalism. This reckoning has been a difficult one for me to bear -- the hardest awakening of my adult life...

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Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Paul Loeb: What It Means to Be a Citizen

by: Rose Aguilar | Your Call
Thursday, May 06, 2010

...“How can we make sense of a world where Nike pays Michael Jordan more to appear in its ads than it pays all the workers at its Indonesian show factories combined? Or where the planet’s 500 richest people control more wealth than the bottom three billion, half of the human population?"...

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Sunday, April 18, 2010

Emerging Powers Cooking Up New International Order

Analysis by Beatriz Bissio
April 16, 2010
Inter Press Service

Since the emergence of the Non-Aligned Movement, there has been no louder and more compelling call for a rethinking of the international economic system as the one issued this week in Brazil by the leaders of the main emerging powers...

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Sunday, March 7, 2010

Ralph Nader on the GOP Filibuster of Unemployment Benefits Bill, the Collapse of the Consumer Financial Protection Agency Proposal, and the Latest Aut

March 02, 2010

Senate Republican Jim Bunning is continuing to filibuster a key spending bill to extend unemployment benefits for hundreds of thousands of American workers. The blocked bill also affects several governmental agencies, rural television customers and doctors receiving Medicare payments. At the same time, Senate Banking Committee Chair Christopher Dodd has abandoned an idea proposed by President Obama and favored by consumer groups to create an independent Consumer Financial Protection Agency to protect consumers against abuses in mortgages, credit cards and other forms of lending. Meanwhile, General Motors announced today it is recalling 1.3 million compact cars in North America because of a power steering problem that has been linked to fourteen crashes. GM blamed the fault on a supplier partially owned by Toyota. We speak to longtime consumer advocate Ralph Nader.

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