Our Little Boat in Space

Our Little Boat in Space
Fragile Beautiful Earth

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Learning from our tortured past

Tell President Obama: We need a non-partisan inquiry to make sure we don't repeat past mistakes

Today's Senate report on torture and President Obama's comments have set the wheels in motion – but we need your help to keep up the momentum towards a full reckoning on the United States' use of torture.

Call on President Obama to set up a nonpartisan inquiry to evaluate the full cost of abuses, look at how we got there, and come up with safeguards so we don’t repeat the same mistakes. The U.S. needs to invest in a forward-looking strategy on intelligence gathering that gives interrogators training and guidance on which techniques work, and which techniques – such as torture – don't.

Momentum is on our side – please let the Obama administration know that the public wants the truth about torture. Our national security depends on it.

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